This is how it works

BjörnBox will change the way you sell and reach your sales network. Firstly, everything begins with creating the sample collection that goes into your showroom box. Next, you will decide who will receive your boxes, before you book a courier through our app to have them picked up. The sales season has officially started!

Creating your collection box

The sample collection in the box and your collection presented online will complement each other perfectly. Your collection box can be used to showcase all of your new styles and fabrics. Well-known classic styles, on the other hand, can be represented with just one sample and different fabric swatches. This way, you can easily present larger collections!


The courier delivers the showroom box

With our BjörnBox app, booking the delivery of your boxes is just one tap away. Your chosen box will be picked up and delivered, traveling from one retail buyer to another. You can easily track your boxes at any time while keeping your buyers up to date every step of the way.


Time to present the new collection

As soon as the collection box is delivered, your buyer gets to enjoy your new collection. This is also the time to schedule a video call to tell your customer more about your collection, answer any questions and receive valuable feedback. The presentation of your collection online also comes in handy during this step.


The buyer places an online order

Now that the collection has been viewed, your buyer can order online through your B2B platform, still having the sample collection nearby.


The order has been placed

As soon as the order has been placed, you can check whether it meets your expectations. This is the time to communicate with your buyer and suggest potential changes.


The showroom box travels to the next buyer

After a few days, the box will be picked up and ready to go to the next buyer. Even though your box is traveling from one buyer straight to another, you can be sure that its contents will look decent and presentable at any given time. Using the BjörnBox app, you can book the pick-up of the box while notifying the next buyer already. Within a sales season of three months, one box will reach approx. 20 buyers.


Are you curious how BjörnBox will make your B2B sales more effective?

 Would you like to get in contact then leave your contact details here.